The practice of leading someone in a sinner’s prayer for their salvation has produced many tares or false converts in churches over the last 100 years (Matt. 13:25-40). This “evangelical tradition” cannot be found anywhere in the New Testament. Those who desire to evangelize God’s way will follow the instructions given by the Lord of the Harvest. He commissioned us to go and make disciples, not decisions (Matt. 28:18).
- Mike Gendron
Taken from Defending Contending
3 years ago
Soooo true. So many think that the sinner's prayer is some magical thing. Although the sinner's prayer was instrumental in my conversion, it's only b/c I had a good understanding of my sin issue with God and repented, b4 I committed my life to Him.
Right on, brother. The biblical positional of missional living is not only more effective, but feels so much less tacky. An authentic, Gospel community who is "on mission", actively engaging & redeeming culture is not only beautiful to the outside world, but more effective at living our relational Gospel. Building deep, meaningful relationships by which to share the Gospel is a step that is often skipped in an effort to rush into their prepared Gospel presentation. Then, after laying the foundation of a meaningful friendship, hopefully at some point they have not only seen your living the Gospel, but have heard it a few times (IF the Gospel is ever on your lips). Since the power is in the Gospel, the pressure is off. At some point, they will either "get it", or they won't. If they do, just continue what you've been doing: being their friend. Then, at some point, discipleship should be happening naturally. If not, then some deliberate engagement may be necessary.
May God set us free from the "sinners prayers", and "altar calls" of yesterday's tacky evangelism, and help us to build relational bridges as we live as a beautiful community within a community.
The one who is concerned over his or her eternal destiny should not look to his or her own sincerity, nor to the form of a scripted prayer not found in the Bible. The one who is aware of his or her sins and seeks freedom from these sins, and pardon from God’s Wrath, must look to God, who delights in justifying the ungodly. The sinner who, like the prodigal son, comes to himself, realizing his sins and desiring to serve God rather than sin, can expect to find God running to him as a loving father, rejoicing to embrace His lost child. The sinner coming to Christ in faith does not need to fear God’s rejection, because Jesus said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (John 6:44 ESV). This truth is foundational to the doctrine of election, a doctrine which gives us great hope- a hope based in what God has done, is doing, and will do for His elect- so that we are moved to worship him more deeply.
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