"For the great day of His wrath has come--and who shall be able to stand!" Revelation 6:17
Who may abide the day of His coming? Who shall stand when He appears? Oh, beloved! this is not the day of man's wrath! Men have had their day of reigning and raging, and despising God--but that day is over and gone, and now God's day has come! This is the day of His wrath--and woe to wicked, and woe to the whore of Babylon, for the hour of her judgment has come!
This will be a day of great ASTONISHMENT to the wicked and ungodly, "The Lord shall smite them with madness and blindness, and astonishment of heart!" Deuteronomy 28:28
This will be a day of great TERROR to those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus! Therefore, says the apostle, "Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men." 2 Corinthians 5:11
This day of God's wrath will be a day of great DISTRESS to the wicked. "I in turn will laugh at your disaster! I will mock when calamity overtakes you--when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you!" Proverbs 1:26-27
This day of God's wrath will be a day of great CONTEMPT to the ungodly. "The Lord Almighty has purposed it, to stain the pride of all glory, and to bring into contempt all the honorable of the earth!" Isaiah 23:9
This day of God's wrath will be a day of great DESTRUCTION. "The wicked are reserved to the day of destruction; they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath!" Job 21:30
Oh, beloved! God's GREAT wrath will be very terrible to the wicked!
1. God's great wrath will tear them in pieces like a lion! "I will be like a lion to Israel, like a strong young lion to Judah. I will tear them to pieces! I will carry them off, and no one will be left to rescue them!" Hosea 5:14. "Consider this, all you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with none to rescue you!" Psalm 50:22
2. God's great wrath will consume them like fire! "The Lord Almighty says--The day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace. On that day the arrogant and the wicked will be burned up like straw. They will be consumed--roots, branches, and all." Malachi 4:1
3. God's great wrath will swallow up all His enemies! "You will capture all your enemies. Your strong right hand will seize all who hate You. You will throw them in a fiery furnace when You appear. In His wrath the Lord will swallow them up, and His fire will consume them!" Psalm 21:8-9
Oh! the wrath of the Almighty is called in the Scripture,
"The fierceness of His great wrath!" 2 Kings 23:26.
"The fierceness of His anger, wrath, and indignation!" Psalm 78:49.
"The fury of His wrath!" Revelation 16:19.
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15)
3 years ago
You mean something actually depends on this stuff?
Ugh...I forgot to give credit to the author.
William Dyer
My apologies!
What does this mean? Are the End Times close?
Christians have been patiently waiting for the End to come for over 2000 years.
Some less patient than others....
Hmmm. Based on so much one may hear about San Francisco, I guess I can understand him being a little unsettled. But that's a pretty hefty claim there.
Oh, wait. He missed the deadline...
He's been building up to this for a long time now and, frankly, there are a few of us that are worried about him.
I can say that amongst my online atheist (and most Christian) friends, there is no doubt that he is a True Believer and genuinely believed that this Judgment was going to happen - it was definitely not a prank.
If anyone was a convincing prophet, it was him, to the point that I promised to repent if his prophecy came true.
I just hope he gets past this setback ok.
Well today is the 30th as I write this.......nothing happened to SF yet.
How was he a convincing prophet Matt?
His grasp of scripture, his zeal for evangelism, his solid doctrine...the whole works.
I am as convinced that he is a True Christian as I am that you are.
Obviously he's not a convincing 'prophet' because his prophecy didn't come to pass - but in terms of imagining what a true prophet would sound like before the date of their prophecy, he was very consistent and sincere.
The only thing that was crazy was what the prophecy actually was, but then, it wouldn't be much of a prophecy if it was a run-of-the mill event, would it?
Thanks Matt -
You said,
"The only thing that was crazy was what the prophecy actually was, but then, it wouldn't be much of a prophecy if it was a run-of-the mill event, would it?"
So the size or magnitude of the prophecy is the contingency of whether you would believe it or not?
I personally don't believe, that if the event were to have happened as he said it would have, that you would have given God the credit for it.
I believe that you would have been amazed and even bewildered over the event, but not to the degree that you would have fallen on your face and repented of your sins.
I don't say this with a mean tone, Matt.
I have just found that people often say to me when I'm out witnessing that, "If God were to part the sky's and say, "It's Me, God", then I will believe He exsists." when pressed, they will admit that even that kind of event they will ascribe to some other explanation.
I think you would have done the same...you would have found another explanation that suited your view (or lack of view) of God.
Well, thanks for calling me a liar, Wayne; I'm sure you feel warranted in making that judgment of me.
And no, I didn't say that the size or magnitude of the prophecy is the contingency of whether I would believe it or not.
1. If it were a run-of-the mill event, it wouldn't be a 'prophecy' at all, would it?
2. By it's very nature - supernatural destruction of two cities by fire and brimstone - it is crazy, but that would make it all the more potent as a prophecy if it came true.
That doesn't mean for one second that I think it's more likely to be true the crazier it is! Try reading for comprehension next time.
But whatever, I'm just an evil, lying atheist with a willfully hardened heart, aren't I?
Now hold on Matt.....
I didn't call you a liar.
When I say there is a God and you don't believe me, are you calling me a liar?
When I say Matt, there is a God who will hold you accountable for your sins and you tell me that you don't believe there is a God like the one I described to you, are you not effectually calling me a liar by?
My point was, while not saying what I said spitefully or with any ill will towards you (I like you!), was that I have personally talked with other folks who have made simliar statements about repenting or about believing in God if a particular event happened only to change their minds towards a more 'natural' explanation when pressed on the subject.
I'm truly sorry if I offended you....my intention was not to call you a liar.
I said;
"I promised to repent if his prophecy came true.
And you said;
"I personally don't believe... that you would have given God the credit for it".
You may not be explicitly calling me a liar, but you're certainly calling my honesty and integrity into question and yes, I take issue with that.
And no, that is not the same as us having differing views on the existence of God. You can say that I'm wrong about something, but to say that my promise means nothing is to call me a liar, in my eyes.
"I have personally talked with other folks who have made simliar statements about repenting or about believing in God if a particular event happened only to change their minds towards a more 'natural' explanation when pressed on the subject".
Really? Please, give me an example of someone backtracking on a promise to convert following the event of a supernatural occurrence (like the destruction of two cities by holy fire).
Seriously. You're telling me that someone promised to repent if a given (supernatural) event happened....then the event happened...and they went back on it?
Or are you saying that they said they'd repent if an event happened...but then said they wouldn't even though the event didn't happen either?
Please clarify this.
"Really? Please, give me an example of someone backtracking on a promise to convert following the event of a supernatural occurrence (like the destruction of two cities by holy fire)."
Matt - I have passed out thousands and thousands of gospel tracts and personally witnessed to hundreds of people and over the last few years of personal one-to-one witenssing, I have had several people tell me that they would either, "A" repent and follow God, or "B" believe in the exsistence of God if a "certain" event would happen.
Now - Was that event like like you mentioned above? "..(like the destruction of two cities by holy fire)."
Not those exact words of course. But I have heard this.....
*If God were to write His name in the sky...
*If God were to speak out verbally so we all could here it...
*If God were to materialize right before me...
If God were to cause a explosion in space..(Yep, no kidding!)
What I said Matt, when pressed harder, each person would back off their claim when I suggested to them that, if the event they described actually happened, they would dismiss the event as a natural occurance.
Everyone of them agreed with me and said, yes, I would still not believe in God or believe that God caused the event.
Every single time without fail that has been the case.
They were honest enough to admit to me that nothing short of them dying and standing face to face with God would ever change their mind that there is no God.
Like I said, I apologize for inferring that you lied when you made your statement.
For myself (and only myself), I kind of agree with you, Wayne. I would look for natural (non-supernatural) explanations first.
Having said that, two cities getting firebombed by brimstone would probably majorly affect the way I view the world, and would absolutely have me consider the "god question" far more seriously, especially if it was prophesized in the way that Dani'EL did.
Since I don't expect this to ever happen, this is all a hypothetical issue to me.
Also, believing in a god that firebombs cities and worshipping such a being are two separate issues.
"Also, believing in a god that firebombs cities and worshipping such a being are two separate issues."
Nohm -
Thanks for stopping by!
I appreciate and respect that comment.
There are many attributes of the God of the Bible.
God is perfect in all His attributes. Most people believe in a God who is ALL loving and never shows any wrath or fury towards the sin of mankind.
But because God is perfect in all His attributes He must be perfect in His hatred of sin. Example: because I love babies, I hate abortion.
God hates sin. God will punish sinful people.
Remember, we all sin. Every one of us deserves to die right now where we stand for violating God’s perfect standards that He demands.
We have all broken His law.
We have lied. ..Stolen. ..Blasphemed His name. ..We are thieves. ..Coveted. ..Dishonored our parents….
We have broken all ten of the Commandments.
God, as the Creator and sustainer of all, life has the right to do with us as He pleases. If He chose to send us all to hell for eternity He would be just in doing so.
But God is also patient, kind and longsuffering.
The Bible says that He does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
God was so generous to mankind that He became a man in the form of Jesus the Christ. Jesus walked a perfect sinless life. He never sinned in word, thought or deed. He allowed Himself to be taken into the hands of sinful men where He was beaten, whipped, tortured and then He was hung on a cross for your sins…my sins…the sins of the world. He died on that cross and they buried Him in a tomb. Three days later God raised Him from the dead so that you could have forgiveness of your sins and eternal life in Heaven instead of hell.
It’s like this. You broke God’s law and Jesus paid your fine in His life’s blood.
The Bible says that if we were to repent of our sins and put our trust in Christ to save us, He will.
He will save us not because we are innocent, but because we are guilty and have been forgiven by a good God.
We all deserve hell….but because of the mighty sacrifice of Jesus Christ; we can have all our sins forgiven and our sin debt cancelled.
Please…repent and trust Christ today before you take your last breath.
I was once a Christian (you might call me a "False Convert") and believed, during that time, everything that you just wrote above.
Back then, I would have no trouble both believing in and worshipping (albeit reluctantly, to be honest) a god who firebombs cities.
Now? Not so much.
I appreciate your effort to evangelize to me (it is, after all, your blog), but you're saying to me pretty much exactly the same things that I used to say to other people back when I was a believer. I stopped accepting it when I said those things, so it's unlikely that I'll start accepting it now when someone else says it.
Be well.
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