Not everyone who read the Sermon on the Mount Saturday had a nice little crowd to read to. Tony Miano, of The Lawman Chronicles, had some folks who did not want to hear anything read out of the Bible.
This is the second video from the Lawman's site -
WARNING - This video contains profanity -
3 years ago
All they people have to do is walk away. If this was someone singing, or playing the guitar, it would be ok, but anytime anyone speaks the Word of God, they are hated.
Our society has really fallen away.
Luke 6:22-23 NASB "Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man. (23) "Be glad in that day and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven. For in the same way their fathers used to treat the prophets.
If they don't want to hear, they can just walk away.
I wonder how many more hearts were hardened to God from this person preaching to people that did not want to hear it.
How many people had to explain to their children that this person (the Christian) is just some nut, out to ruin the good time that the people who went to Vasquez Rocks were looking for that weekend.
This is exactly why I do not believe in preaching to people in public who do not want to hear it.
Get people one on one, in their time of trouble, and then tell them about Jesus Christ and what He has done for them, and then hope that some nut hasn't already hardened their heart to hearing what you have to say.
I am a Christian, and if I went to Vasquez Rocks, or Yosemite, or the beach, or a little league game...or anywhere....and I was forced to listen to someone preaching to me, I wouldn't be too happy about it.
In my opinion, this person did a lot of damage with the best of intentions.
Steve -
I respect your opinion, but respectfully disagree with it.
Actually, he was not preaching.
He was simply reading the Bible. He was reading the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew (chapters 5,6 and 7).
It's quite hard for me to imagine that just hearing the words of Christ (from the reading of the Bible) would make Christians 'unhappy'.
JOV said it best.." If this was someone singing, or playing the guitar, it would be ok, but anytime anyone speaks the Word of God, they are hated."
Imagine John the Baptist telling God that he can't go and preach in public because someone's heart might become more hardened because some people just don't want to hear it...despite John's calling by God to do so.
And that's exactly what this is...a calling by God to go into all the world and 'preach' the Gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)
There is no disclaimer added to the commission like:
Unless they don't want to hear it; or don't preach the Gospel out in the open and in public; or only preach to people one on one; etc.
There will always be people offended by the hearing of the Gospel...but you know what? Now they have no excuse if they were to leave after hearing the Gospel and died on their way home.
God gave them yet another opportunity!
Sorry Steve...I think you are totally wrong here.
I've got no problem with street preaching, but there is a point when it becomes a public nuisance just like everything else - people talking loud on cellphones, playing (bad) music too loud, barking dogs, buskers with out of tune guitars etc.
I do agree with Steve that it is more effective to have a conversation with people than to lecture them, although I don't like the 'in their time of trouble' bit; that sounds too much like preying on the vulnerable to me.
If your theology can't convince people who are in sound mind and are able to ask question back to you, then your theology isn't up to much.
Still, no excuse for swearing at people just because you don't like what they're saying.
The theology is relief for the hurting. (In my opinion, anyway)
Jesus said that he has come for the sick...not the healthy.
As a Christian, I do not view it as preying on the vulnerable, but offering a salve to the sick.
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