This past weekend I, along with my 21 year old son and my best friend, attended the ‘Deeper’ conference at Woodstock Baptist Church.
I sincerely cannot articulate my words rightfully to express how this conference impacted me.
My personal walk with God was taken to a whole new level. The word deeper may not be an adequate word used to describe this new level of godliness I find myself in.
The speakers were incredible.
Paul Washer – Ray Comfort – Todd Friel – Marshall Foster – Ken Ham – Emeal Zwayne – Pastor Johnny Hunt – Kirk Cameron
Topics ranged from the essential truths of the cross to the sufficiency of the Bible. From apologetics to the transforming work of the Gospel through the ages.
I met folks who I only knew from blogs and Christian sites. I made new friends and reacquainted with friends not seen in a while.
We had incredible worship times where the hymns glorified God and exalted Him in all His glory and attributes.
We gathered over 500 folks when the conference was over and descended upon Atlanta to preach and witness the Gospel at several strategic points across the city.
Just an incredible weekend
In saying all this (and not saying enough; I just don’t know how) I came away with a deeper walk with God and how I look at the world around me.
I want to please God and glorify Him in everything I do……in everything I say……in everything I see and hear.
This blog will be godlier than it has been in the past. I will not link questionable blogs or sites that do not honor and exalt God to the fullest.
I will not visit questionable blogs or sites that do not honor and exalt God to the fullest.
This is not an isolationist move by no means. My blog is a public blog and will remain so. Anyone is free to visit here and comment (within my parameters of course) with opposing viewpoints, questions, etc.
I will seek to glorify Him and hold myself to higher godly standards on this blog from now on. I apologize to anyone who may have found questionable blog links on this site.
I will be in a process of updating and changing the format of this blog…so stay tuned!
God bless - Wayne
3 years ago
Wayne Dawg,
It was wonderful to meet you and your son! It was such a blessing to see a Father and Son out there on the streets of Atlanta sharing with the lost. It was an inspiration to me and gives me hope for my children.
It was even cooler how providence put us on the same team having only met on the web 2 days before on the web. Then you over hearing me mention Bring The Noiz to someone which it possible for us to meet in person!
God bless you and I will add you to my blog roll!
I agree with you about Deeper...there is no way to describe it and the impact that it had on us.
I am sorry that we didn't get to meet you. I looked for you but couldn't spot you in the crowd.
I look forward to seeing the changes that you are going to make as a result of what God is doing in your life.
What an amazing testimony Brother. I couldn't agree with you more. Your "battle plan" is for the Glory of God, and you can't go wrong with Him as your focus. If there is one single verse which I came away from this weekend with it would be this:
Matthew 6:33 (NASB)
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
First means #1, and #1 means in EVERYTHING we do.
I'm glad it was a special experience.
BTW: How can your blog be Godlier than it is already?
Noiz - It was awesome how God put us on the same team. Hopefully we will have that opportunity again before He comes or we are called home.
Wendy - I too am sorry we didn't get to meet in person...I'm sure as close as we are to each other distance wise, I'm sure I will get to meet and witness with you and you husband some day.
Keep up the good work!
Mike - Thanks for your encouragment and for stopping by.
I checked out your blog and will be adding you to my blogroll.
Surrounding myself with godly men and women will strengthen my walk that much more for His glory.
DP - There is more I could be doing here for His glory. How? I don't exactly know yet.
Here is what I am praying on.....
*How can this site glorify Him more than it is?
*What would God find objectionable here?
*How can I reach the lost through this site?
These are just a few questions I am seeking answers for.
Praise God for your renewal and what God is doing in your life just now. You have inspired me too to think about how my blog can give more glory to God and indeed to help me think how I might change to bring more glory to God.
God bless
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