"Bestowing the Nobel Prize on the most rabid pro-abortion president in history is a direct slap in the face to past recipient Mother Theresa of Calcutta who said, in receiving her Nobel Peace Prize: 'the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing - direct murder by the mother herself.' "
Judie Brown, American Life League (ALL)
3 years ago
Obama is "the most rabid pro-abortion president in history"?
You guys don't actually believe that, do you?
Also, using the word "rabid" is an extreme bit of hyperbole and rhetoric, right?
(Note that I'm not a fan of the guy)
Also, since Mother Theresa was a catholic, I have a hard time believing that a WotM-follower would be too bothered about something being a "slap to the face" to her.
Yes, aside from the rhetoric from Obama himself about being somewhere in the middle on the abortion stance, he is the most pro-abortion president to date.
He is pro abortion.
He is pro-partial birth abortion.
He killed a measure in the senate committee that would have protected babies born alive after botched abortions.
He appointed Kathleen Sebelius (extreme pro-abortionist) as head of Department of Health and Human Services.
He is promoting the Health care take over with abortion being mandated in coverage; Congressman Wilson was correct in calling him on this.
Yeah, rabid may be an understatement.
Not sure what you meant with the Mother Theresa comment.
Not only that, Obama is forcing people who do not believe in abortion to support abortion buy overturning the ban on U.S. tax dollars going to fund abortions in countries abroad.
What does he care?
He doesn't care what you and I think...he and his ilk are far superior to us.
Typical Leftists.
Well, as 'Leftist' (Left-wing??) countries in Northern Europe prove - better sex education, a good secular government and liberal attitudes to sexuality and sex in general mean lower abortion rates, lower teenage pregnancy, lower divorce rates and a high age when young people loose their virginity; not to mention better quality of life and longer life than is found in the US.
A lesson America could learn from since it has high teenage pregnancy rates, high abortion rates etc. and alas - despite all this pro-life stuff - one of the highest murder rates of any developed Western country. Which is odd given it also has one, if not the highest, rates of church attendance in the West. Which perhaps demonstrates that bleating on about God and the Bible doesn't necessarily make for a better society.
Perhaps it is time to stop looking for easy targets to blame for America's social ills (Obama, Gays, Abortion) and realise that, as JESUS said, the problems of the world come from our own hearts. Get these in order before polluting the internet with half-baked rhetoric about abortion or Obama. Abortion is just a distraction from a much more serious problem that is at the heart of American (and Western) society.
As for Obama thinking he is better than other people - I think is more likely to be some people projecting their own insecurities about their intellectual abilities and self-worth onto the latest Bogeyman the 'Rightists' have found to hate. Now that is just sad... So much hate from those who profess to be sharing The Love of CHRIST...
America's high rates of all those things you mentioned, came about when our society turned to the left in the sixties.
Hate? The Left hated George Bush a thousand times more than the Right hates Obama.
This is a fact that can be proven.
Pasr a car with a G. Bush bumper sticker in a liberal neighborhood and it will surely be defaced, keyed, tires flattened.
Park a car with an Obama bumper sticker in a conservative neighborhood and more than likely, nothing at all will happen to that car.
Hate is what the Left is all about.
The Right believes the Left is wrongheaded. The Left believes the Right to be evil.
Big difference.
You need to get out more and see this stuff for yourself.
You don't appear to be a very happy man...
I hope whatever pain seems to consume you is healed some day.
Thanks for stopping by.
You should never judge someones 'happiness' based on how much they hate babies killed in-utero.
Because Steve and I love Jesus, we hate abortion.
"Get these in order before polluting the internet with half-baked rhetoric about abortion or Obama. Abortion is just a distraction from a much more serious problem that is at the heart of American (and Western) society."
I don't think presenting facts about the presidents record on abortion is half-baked rhetoric.
Abortion is not a distraction; its the wholesale business of slaughtering babies who cannot speak for themselves.
"Which perhaps demonstrates that bleating on about God and the Bible doesn't necessarily make for a better society."
This description of our country can best be described as false conversions to Christianity.
If this country were truly Christian as the polls seem to indicate they are, we would not be having this conversation. If the 'professing church' was actually full of sheep and wheat (the actual church is)this country would look a whole lot different.
*Abortion would be illegal.
*Murder rates would be the lowest on Earth.
*Divorce rates would be the lowest on Earth.
*Teenage pregnancy rates would be the lowest on Earth.
Etc. and so on.
When a person is genuinely converted to Christ these things take care of themselves....these issues will never be 'fixed' with a secular government.
I am a very happy man. But I am not happy when I see injustice and senseless killing if innocents.
I doubt that would make you happy, either.
Let's say abortion becomes illegal.
First, do you think that abortions will completely cease, or that some women will still have them secretly?
If you believe the latter, then what kind of punishment do you think we should have for those women?
In other news, holy wow you people are insane. You really believe that he's "rabid". Again, I'm no fan of the guy, but these stories about bumper stickers being defaced and stuff. It just makes me wonder if you've ever even met a "leftist". Note: I am not, in any way shape or form, a "leftist"... but I know and work with plenty (along with "rightists" also), and somehow everyone is able to get along, and we don't exist in this alternate reality that Steve appears to inhabit.
Seriously guys, YIKES.
You suggest that many things, such as violent crime, would decrease if the USofA was full of Real True Christians, and not all of these False Converts.
Any evidence of that?
Nohm, why worry so much about what the punishment would or could be for a woman who would choose to break a law to kill her unborn child IF that were ever made illegal, when the fact is that the unborn face the ultimate punishment every day?
I don't worry about it. I'm simply curious what people think is a just punishment for such a crime.
I apologize for writing, "holy wow you people are insane".
It was excessive hyperbole, and unnecessary at that.
Hey Nohm..you said,
"First, do you think that abortions will completely cease, or that some women will still have them secretly?"
Just because something is made illegal does mean that people will stop doing it.
It is illegal to murder anyone born.
It is illegal to take something that is not yours.
When abortion is outlawed (yes, I am an optimist), women will either leave the country to get an abortion or have it done secretly within the borders.
"If you believe the latter, then what kind of punishment do you think we should have for those women?"
We should have the same punishment that exists today for someone who murders another in cold blood.
Murdering an innocent baby is always wrong; no matter the circumstance and no matter the location of the baby.
Nohm said,
"You suggest that many things, such as violent crime, would decrease if the USofA was full of Real True Christians, and not all of these False Converts.
Any evidence of that?"
Thanks for calling me on that Nohm.
Direct evidence? No.
Of course my implication was that if one was a 'true' Christian, they would never commit those kind of crimes.
The fact is that a born-again Christian can and could at any time commit any crime. That is his sin-nature.
Any Christian is one step away from stupid.
The point I was trying not so eloquently to make was this; a born-again Christian knows Who has given His life for him/her.
The Christian wants to please his Lord in all things great and small.
A Christian knows that he/she is a new creature in Christ that has repented of the evil of sin and fled from it (sin) to Christ.
The born again Christian has the indwelling Holy Spirit that is working in them daily and transforming that person towards the image of Jesus Christ.
It is this image of the changed person (from wanting sin to abhoring sin) that would transform the landscape of the country.
The states should decide, just the way it used to be, Nohm.
There is nothing in our constitution that allows for abortion.
Yikes! Alternate realities!
Legalized abortion says that it's ok. It is not, ok.
But it would still be better to have each state decide than a few judges decide fo the whole country, based, not on law, but on their feelings.
So, Steve, how do you plan to change the law?
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