(William S. Plumer, "The Rock of Our Salvation" 1867)
"The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty!"
Psalm 93:1"The Lord reigns! Let the nations tremble!" Psalm 99:1
Jesus Christ is--
Prince and Savior,
the great Prince,
the Prince of Life,
the Prince of Peace,
the Prince of princes,
the Prince of the kings of the earth,
a King,
the King,
the King of kings and Lord of lords!
He is God over all, blessed forever!
Christ's kingdom is universal. It includes all worlds, all creatures, all causes. Nothing in heaven, nothing in earth--is outside of it. His saints praise Him. The angels adore Him. The devils are subject to Him. The king's heart is in His hands, and He turns it wherever He will. His kingdom rules over all.
His kingdom is supreme. Nothing can shake it. Worms cannot spit their venom so as to reach the stars in their course. Nor can puny mortals reach the person or the power of our glorious Immanuel.
Christ's kingdom is omnipotent. By His own divine efficiency He carries on His government. He upholds all things by His powerful word. He does His will in heaven and in earth. Not an empire rises or sinks,but by His will. Not a sparrow falls to the ground,without His notice. Every change on earth is by His providence. He gives no account of any of His matters.
His work on His people is mighty. He subdues them to Himself. He reigns as their Lord and Master. He chains their great adversary. He subdues their iniquities. He strips the world of its fatal fascinations. He makes them willing in the day of His power. He leads them into all necessary truth.
"Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns!" Revelation 19:6
3 years ago
He is Lord of the most saintly person on earth and He is Lord of the most vile sinner in Hell.
Great blog!
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