Friday, November 20, 2009

The Gospel

Hat Tip to Ike -


Ike said...

No comments....interesting.

Nohm said...

Hi Ike,

I'm curious; what was your expectation?

Ike said...

Hi Nohm,

This is what I expected. I have noticed the same thing on my son' blog.

Nohm....if you ever get the Washer and listen to his sermon "Regeneration/self denial". It is one of my favorite Washer sermons.

Nohm said...

Hi Ike,

I'm seriously curious. You said that it was interesting that there weren't any comments to this post, and then you said you noticed the same thing on your son's blog.

What about it do you find interesting? I'm not asking like I know the answer; I'm just plain curious what your read on it is.

Sure, I'll check out his other sermon.

Nohm said...

Ike, I listened to a 10 minute segment of the sermon (not sure how long it is in total).

In it, he seemed to spend the first half defining "holiness", and the second half doing a "No True Scotsman" deal.

I prefer the video that you had Wayne post here. Just from a giving-a-speech point of view.

If there was a part that you wanted me to focus on, please let me know.