"I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep! I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand!" John 10:11, 28
Every part of our salvation, requires the exertion of infinite wisdom and almighty power. Jesus is the Shepherd of all who believe in Him. We depend upon Him—and He gives us the effectual help which we need. He is intimately acquainted with us—and knows every thought and intent of our hearts. He has His eye always upon us. His ear is always open to us. His arm is ever stretched out for our relief. We can receive nothing—but what He bestows upon us. We can do nothing—but as He enables us. Nor can we stand a moment—but as He upholds us!
It is amazing to me—that I do not find my heart all on fire with love to Jesus—when I consider—from what misery I am redeemed; to what happiness I am called; and what a price was paid for my soul! Alas! alas! my guilt and grief are that my thoughts of Jesus are so faint, and so infrequent; and that my commendations of Him are so lamentably cold and disproportionate to what they ought to be!
Yet—if the heart is right with God, and sincerely affected with the wonders of redeeming love—our gracious High Priest, who knows our weakness—will pity and pardon what is amiss, and accept our poor efforts!
3 years ago
"It is amazing to me—that I do not find my heart all on fire with love to Jesus—when I consider—from what misery I am redeemed;..."
Me too!
That just goes to show you what a wonderful God (and Friend) we have in Jesus.
He loves snd forgives us anyway. He forgave those that murdered Him on the cross! (that's us by the way)
He isn't after our poor efforts, He accepts them and us for who we are. The real sinners that we are.
"While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans)
Wayne, by George you've done it again! Good job!
Me three!
Thank Goodness I don't have to do any "good works" to get to heaven as mine would definately be as filthy rags!
I can't even count the number of times I have screwed up and I am referring to since I've been saved.
If I had to rely on myself I would definately be busting hell wide open & I haven't done much by the world's viewpoint. I would be viewed by most as a good person but I know I can't do anything to save myself. Sometimes I wish I had been worse before so I would have a greater appreciation for things now. I have to ask God to change me so I can be more on fire and in love with him.
Wayne, I want to thank you for your friendship and discpleship. It means more to me than you'll ever know on this side of heaven. I consider you to be like the brother I never had and I am looking forward to hanging out with you and Jesus for all eternity!
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