This is a video from season one of the Way of the Master show. This show was filmed a few years ago.
Well, Ray Comfort happened to be out on that same pier doing some witnessing and open air preaching a couple weeks ago when he thought he saw one of those gang member guys walking by. He ran him down and asked the guy if he was a gang member.
The guy said "no, I’m a Christian." Ray said, "oh, I thought you were someone that Kirk Cameron witnessed to a couple years ago out here on the pier." The guy said, "yeah, that was me." The guy said that he was ashamed of that day because he was drunk. He also told Ray that ‘Mario’ the main guy that Kirk was witnessing to……got saved too and was now involved in a local church teaching Sunday school!!
How cool is that?
You just never know whose life God is going to let you intervene with to change that person forever. Now get out there and let compassion swallow your fears and share the Gospel!
3 years ago
Awesome! Praise the Lord!
So it's true, huh? We really have NO idea what God will use in every slightest action we commit.
I always did wonder whether they'd run into cases like that when they go to the same place every so often.
Fantastic! Most encouraging!
The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul!!! Psalm 19:7
the thing is...
I would trust that the man there is more likely to do great things for Christ, than a person who said the sinners prayer and asked Jesus to come into their heart!
Awesome Wayne. Thanks for sharing this. It gives everyone a little hope when they walk away from a witness encounter left wanting. Trust the Lord to convert the soul. It's his job, not ours.
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