Eternal abhorrence--infinite love
(John Fawcett, "Christ Precious")
"Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through Him!" Romans 5:9
The blood of our Divine Savior is emphatically called precious blood. 1 Peter 1:19. The shedding of His blood procures--our pardon, our peace with God, and our everlasting salvation. On the cross--our sins were imputed to Him--and His righteousness was imputed to us. We look to Calvary, and view the suffering Savior--as bearing our sins in His own body on the tree, and putting them away by the sacrifice of Himself.
The complete atonement which Jesus Christ has made for our sins, by the sacrifice of Himself--is the life and center of the evangelical system, and that which endears it so much to the hearts of those who believe. Here we see pardon procured, and the sinner saved--while sin is condemned and punished. Here we see the most solemn display of justice and holiness, in conjunction with the freest exercise of mercy. Here we see sinful rebels delivered from deserved punishment, and advanced to a state of dignity and honor; and at the same time, the rights of that divine government against which they had rebelled, inviolably preserved and maintained. Through what Jesus Christ has done and suffered for us--we behold the righteous law of God magnified, in justifying those who had violated its precepts, and brought themselves under its curse. In the death of that Lamb of God, we perceive at once--the Almighty's eternal abhorrence of that which is evil--and His infinite love to His offending creatures.
To a condemned malefactor--a pardon sent from his offended sovereign must be precious. Just so, nothing can be matter of greater comfort--than to know that we have redemption though the blood of Jesus, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of His grace. "Yes, He is very precious to you who believe!" 1 Peter 2:7
3 years ago
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