"Go with me to Scripture and show me, please. I would love you to stand up and tell me where anyone evangelized that way. The Scripture does not say that Jesus Christ came to the nation of Israel and said that “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, now who would like to ask me into their hearts? I see that hand.”
That is not what it says. He said, “Repent and believe the gospel.”
Paul Washer
3 years ago
And this is true, but the New Testament had not been written. On the other hand there is the Old Testament passages about the coming Messiah. Then there are the Words in which Jesus spoke, then after Jesus ascended there is the upper room and the Holy Ghost making His abode in man. I had asked Jesus to come live in me and I know He did, because my spirit bears wittness of the fact. I believed on Him and what He did. Can you show me where I differ from what you are saying?
No one chooses Jesus, unless Jesus chooses him first.
"You did not choose me, I chose you." - Jesus
Now, after that happens we choose Him, then reject Him, then choose Him, then reject Him (over and over agin).
We repent and believe (by His grace) all throughout our lives.
St. Paul says, "...for those of us who are BEING SAVED..."
Hey Steve....how's my buddy "Larry" doing? I think Dawg could handle him better than I do!
A question of a believer is not, Does the Soveriegn God have the right to choose people to be saved? Rather it is, Why did He choose me? This should make us all a worshiper for all eterity. He chooses the right time to do all things. He does choose us and I am truly greatful for that. Praise Be To The King Of Glory.
Amen, callieg!
Ike, you handle Larry just fine.
Larry and I are just trying to loosten some of those shackles that keep people curved in on themselves, and their rekigious performance.
We do get a bit rough sometimes, but this is truly important stuff. Freedom and life and liberty are at stake!
Gal. 5:1
That's why He died for us!
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