A Christian's ways and words
(Theodore Cuyler, "Wayside Springsfrom the Fountain of Life" 1883)
"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims--to abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul." 1 Peter 2:11
Here on earth, I am but a pilgrim--a transient lodger, for this world is not my rest. I am seeking for and pressing towards, the magnificent city with eternal foundations--a city designed and built by Almighty God!
"Do not be conformed to this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2
The world around us has its unwritten code of morals and of manners. It sets up its standards and fixes its fashions to suit itself. But they are no rule for the Christian. Jesus has "chosen us out of the world," and given His own life to be our standard and our pattern. "If you love Me," said our loving Redeemer, "keep My commandments.
"The first question of a Christian should be, "What does my Master command? Would He approve my style of living, my amusements, my temper, my whole daily conduct? If so, that is enough! I am not to copy the behavior of this world--when sinful customs make their claims, or worldly seductions offer their bribes. I am Christ's servant!
"As high as the heavens are above the earth, so much higher should a Christian's ways and words and whole conduct--be above the ways of the world!
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." Psalm 139:23-24
3 years ago
"The first question of a Christian should be, "What does my Master command?"
What is it to do the will of the Father?
"Believe in the One whom He has sent." (Gospel of John)
Yes we are sinners, and yes we ought repent of it. And we do. And we sin again...and again...and again.
That is why Christ had to come and die on a cross. If we could handle this problem and gin up some kind of "good conduct" on our own...Jesus could have stayed Home and played badminton with the angels.
Repentance and forgiveness.
That is the life of the believer.
Repentance and forgiveness.
That is the life of the believer.
Yes - Amen!
And, if I might add, growing in holiness that we might be more Christ-like.
Thanks Steve!
Well, Wayne...I won't get too nit-picky with you.
Lutheran types like myself put the emphasis in growth on the Holy Spirit, and minimize 'our doing'...but hey, we are on the same team and we know the gospel and we know how important it is to not hide it under a bushel!
Thanks Wayne!
I hear you!
I'm talking about things like daily Bible reading and study, being faithful in our prayer life.........we do these things not because we are working at it, but because He is working in us!
Thanks brother!
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