Killing babies in the womb or dog fighting?
It seems all the attention these days is on Michael Vick and his dog fighting indictments. Protesters by the hundreds are lined up outside the courthouse to voice
their outrage over Vick on his monstrous evil inhumane sport of fighting dogs.
Is fighting dogs monstrous, evil and inhumane? Yup, you bet it is. If Vick is found guilty he should serve the max the law will permit.
But I'm almost willing to bet the mortgage (if I was a betting man) that the majority of the folks who are beside themselves over this practice of fighting dogs are the same ones who say its a 'womans right to choose' to murder her baby.
Where are our priorities folks??
God help us.
I was just commenting the other day that I found myself in the uncomfortable position of being angry at someone and my "company" was a bunch of earth mommas from the PETA Birkinstock Brigade. Not my usual "compatriots" if you know what I mean. Dog fighting is heinous but I'd welcome its legalization if it meant the capsizing of Roe v. Wade. You can safely bet that nearly every one of those folks carrying a "Neuter Vick" sign outside that courthouse also carry membership cards for NOW, ACLU, and NEA in their back pockets.
Proverbs 6:16-19
16These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
I definitely agree with you in this post. People refuse to recognize this as the heinous murder that it is. Our society is so occupied with its own selfish priorities that the important ones are waylaid. These humans are butchered in cruel and gruesome fashion while they have no voice to scream for themselves. How sick can we be?
And we are worried about dogs (who are able to fight for themselves)…
The picture is very disturbing. AbortionNO dot org has a video full of the images. That's VERY good. Now if only we could get these TV time right near when the news shows other pictures of similarly gruesome nature...
Speaking of the ACLU: the REAL reason conservatives hate the ACLU is that it defends people who say thing which violate the social norms and flaunt "traditional values".
Capsizing Roe vs. Wade means MORE WHITE BABIES!!
BTW waynedawg, WHY are you comparing 2 issues which are totally UNRELATED to each other in order to make your point?
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