Sometimes, through the innocence of a child, the meaning of a truth can be overwhelming.
I have heard many quotes over the years concerning passion for reaching and preaching/witnessing to the lost. Here are a few……
"So long as there is a human being who does not know Jesus Christ, I am his debtor to serve him until he does." Oswald Chambers.
"A believer is ready to serve everybody wherever he can. He cannot but profess the gospel before men, even though he foresees that he can reap nothing but ridicule and scorn for it; yes, he is ready also to give his life for the gospel." C.F.W. Walthers
I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh,..The Apostle Paul, Romans 9:1-3
"Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that." C.H. Spurgeon
Last night, as I sat in front of my computer, I came across a rather sober reminder of how quick the rapture of the church will occur. Take a moment and check out this link. Go about halfway down the page and watch a 45 second clip titled, ‘Are You Ready’.
Go ahead and watch it now and then come back for the rest of this post.
Pretty amazing huh?
I showed the clip to my wife and seven year old son. My seven year old was recently saved a couple months ago. I had the privilege of personally leading him to the Lord. After viewing the clip, my son looked straight at me and asked what was happening. After taking the time to explain to him the rapture doctrine (as I understand it biblically), he asked me if the rapture would hurt. I told him no, I was pretty sure that the rapture, if we are on Earth to experience it, would be an awesome occurrence that would take us immediately to the presence of the Lord.
He was satisfied with that answer and then stated that he was glad everyone in our family was a Christian. I told him, well, everybody in our family living here in this house was a Christian, but not everyone in our family was a Christian. He asked who that was and I told him that my brother, his uncle, was not a Christian.
My son's eyes were instantly filled with tears.
‘We have got to get him saved’, he said with tears running down his face. I told him that ‘we’ can’t save him, only God can do that. I explained to him that I had been witnessing to my brother for years now with no result, but I keep trying every time we talk or see each other. My son, with a stare of disbelief at me said, ‘I’ll be right back’, and ran off into the other room. A few seconds later he was back in the office, with tears still streaming down his face, holding the phone in his hand and said, ‘Let’s call him now and tell him again.’
Tears welled up in my eyes this time.
I had talked with my brother a few days earlier and shared the law, repentance and the saving grace of Jesus Christ for the umpteenth time with him. I told my son it was too late in the evening to call him tonight but I promised him that the next time I talked with my brother; I would let him join in. We prayed together for my brother’s salvation and thanked God for ours.
I can’t remember who said this, ‘If they can’t see the tears in your eyes when you’re sharing your faith, at least let them hear the tears in your voice’.
Praise God for the salvation of my son and his real concern for the lost. May we all have that same concern when we share our faith.
3 years ago
Great link, WD!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stirring me up by way of reminder. I also have a brother (and 2 sisters) who is not saved yet. I have shared with him directly in times past and I do pray for him and long for God to move in his life along with his wife and children. But your words have encouraged me to be ready and pray about opening my mouth again. Thanks for sharing the flame of desire for others salvation.
It was also a blessing to hear about your son.
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