Does this picture of a burning US flag make you hotter than a hornet? Does the mere sight of Old Glory going up in smoke make you want to hunt down the dude with the lighter and beat the crap out him? Can you ever imagine striking a match to the flag that your fellow countrymen have bled and died for to keep you free?
If your answers are;
Then you are a true patriot who is proud of his/her country and would stand up to fight for her without hesitation….you would fight to keep her free; you would fight for those who can’t fight for themselves; you would fight for freedom of religion; you would fight for the freedom to keep and bear arms; you would fight so anyone could have the freedom of peaceful assembly; you would fight so anyone could have free speech….
Well, maybe not the last one.
No way Dawg, I would fight for someone's free speech rights. Your wrong about that one.
Then why would you support an amendment to the Constitution banning the burning of the US flag?
Uh, well it’s desecration to our flag man!Yes it is.
It’s shameful and unpatriotic for someone to do that!
Yes it is.
It’s a kick in the pants to every man and woman who has died defending this great country!
I know it is, but you said you would defend someone’s right to free speech.
But……..I have a deep disdain for flag burners. I loathe the person who would put to shame our country in such a disrespectful way as burning the symbol of freedom that our military has fought and died for.
If a person wants to demonstrate in a manner that involves burning the US flag, then they should have that right.
I can’t believe the time and effort that has gone into debating this issue in the House and Senate. The House passed, for the 6th straight time, a measure approving adding an amendment to the Constitution banning flag burning. The Senate, last night, defeated the measure by one vote.
Let’s put into perspective the flag burning issue.
How many times in the last 5 years do you think the US flag has been burned in protest on US soil? 100 times? 200 times? Let’s be generous and say that the US flag has been burned, in protest, 500 times over the last 5 years on US soil.
Now let’s compare that to the 5,000,000 babies that were killed in-utero over the last 5 years.
For every flag that was burned, 10,000 babies were butchered for the sake of a women’s 'right' to choose and sacrificed on the alter of pro-choice. The House and the Senate will debate for hours and hours on the right to free speech through flag burning, but won’t do anything about the atrocious, horrible ‘right’ that has been allowed to exist for more than 30 years in this country.
People, where are your priorities?????????